Individual planning in DADHC large residential centres - C&DS review June 2009

Category Reports to Parliament
Publication Date 11 June 2009


Residential centres, formerly known as 'institutions', accommodate people with disabilities in congregate settings. Small residential centres accommodate between seven and 20 people on the one site, while large residential centres house more than 20 people on site. Almost three-quarters (70) of the people who live in residential centres live in the nine large residential centres that are operated by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (DADHC).

In 2008, the NSW Ombudsman conducted a review to examine the way services were planned and delivered to meet the individual needs of people living in DADHC's large residential centres. Our review incorporated each of the nine DADHC large residential centres, and a total of 60 residents from a mix of cottages and units. The 60 people represented a mix of ages, gender, cultural background, and support needs.

Our review looks at a range of issues including individual planning process, decision-making and choice, health care, behaviour support, and community participation and integration.

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