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Our voice to Parliament

The NSW Ombudsman is an independent integrity agency, accountable to the people of NSW. We report directly to the Parliament of NSW.

Where we identify matters of serious public interest, we can make a public report to Parliament.

We also support the work of Parliamentary Committees by making submissions to public inquiries.

Our latest reports

5 Jul

Protecting children at risk: an assessment of whether the Department of Communities and Justice is meeting its core responsibilities

This special report was completed as part of the NSW Ombudsman’s Community Services monitoring and review functions.

The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), the lead agency for child protection in NSW, has three core responsibilities: to respond to children reported at risk, support children in statutory out of home care, and provide early intervention and family preservation services.

The report found that DCJ cannot demonstrate that it is meeting its core responsibilities, and that the NSW child protection system operates in a disconnected, fragmented way which is reflected in the poor tracking of outcomes achieved for children.

30 Apr

Revenue NSW - The lawfulness of its garnishee order process

In this report we examine Revenue NSW’s conduct in its design and use of its garnishee order system for recovering unpaid fines and other state debts since 2016. The investigation looked at whether decisions produced by the garnishee order system complied with the legislation that gives Revenue the power to issue garnishee orders.

7 Mar

A map of automated decision-making in the NSW Public Sector: A special report to Parliament

A map of automated decision-making in the NSW Public Sector (ADM mapping report) is a special report under section 31 of the Ombudsman Act 1974 and an initiative by the NSW Ombudsman to increase visibility in the use of automated decision-making systems (ADM systems) across the NSW public sector.

30 Oct

Formal investigations summary report 2022-23

The NSW Ombudsman Formal investigations summary report 2022-23 is a summary of completed investigations by the Office from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.

29 May

More than shelter - special report

Our latest report assesses what the NSW Department of Communities and Justice has done to improve responses to children who present alone to homelessness services. We first reported on this issue in 2018 and again in 2020. There are still outstanding actions needed.

28 Feb

Aboriginal outcomes strategy focus area 2 (Out of home care) - were the targets achieved

The Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ)  had a five-year strategy to reduce overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care (OOHC).

The strategy did not reduce Aboriginal over-representation in OOHC. None of the four targets were achieved. There was some progress toward each target, and DCJ came close to achieving one.

Other reports