Complaint handling training

Complaint handling is central to our role as an ombudsman. Our workshops are informed by evidence and delivered by experts. They will enable you and your team to deliver better customer service to diverse communities.

Fundamentals of complaint handling

For frontline staff, supervisors or managers in public, community or private sector organisations who need to effectively handle customer complaints and engage with complainants.

Training available online and in-house.

Managing unreasonable conduct by a complainant

For supervisors and managers responsible for setting a complaint handling policy and strategy. We recommend you complete Fundamentals of complaint handling.

Training available online and in-house.

Effective complaint management systems

For staff who are responsible for developing, managing or implementing a complaint handling policy and system in their organisation. This includes quality assurance and corporate governance managers.

Training available online and in-house.

Investigating complaints

This course provides you with an understanding of core investigative principles and knowledge on how to conduct a simple investigation into a complaint. You will also understand how to analyse evidence and write up findings.

Training available online and in-house