Monitor Aboriginal programs
Our Aboriginal Programs Branch (APB) monitors and assesses Aboriginal programs under Part 3B of the Ombudsman Act 1974.
We aim to improve the administration and delivery of Aboriginal programs in NSW, through community and agency engagement, reports to Parliament and recommendations.
Aboriginal programs we currently monitor fall within OCHRE – Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility, Empowerment – the NSW Government’s plan for Aboriginal affairs.
We engage with Aboriginal communities and prepare reports and submissions on issues raised. This involves:
- scrutinising the government's Aboriginal programs and how they are delivered
- making recommendations to improve government programs and service delivery
- publishing our findings in special reports to Parliament, our Annual and Biennial Reports.
Our reports to Parliament have changed how NSW government agencies and community service providers deliver services to Aboriginal communities.
Branches within the Ombudsman’s office also consult with APB staff when handling complaints, projects and investigations that have a First Nations focus.
Contact us
For more information you can email us.
Journey Together artwork by artist: Jasmine Sarin, a proud Kamilaroi and Jerrinja woman.